
Avallain Author version 4.4 – new features to improve learners’ revision, support content creators, and more

Avallain Author version 4.4

3 min read


For over 15 years, Avallain Author has been one of the world’s premiere authoring tools for digital educational media – thanks in large part to continuous upgrades based on the direct feedback we receive from our customers.

As Max Bondi, Product Manager of Avallain Author puts it:

By listening to our customers, we are able to offer them the technology and functionality they need to turn digital education into the most effective, individualised and exciting learning experience their user base could possibly engage in.

To this end, Avallain Author version 4.4 offers four all-new features, further increasing our customers’ options when creating learning materials.

Randomised Learning Objects

To ensure proper learning success, it is important to help learners fully understand tasks and find correct solutions instead of simply recognising patterns in successive tasks. Thus, Avallain Author version 4.4 offers the ability to randomise the order of individual Learning Activities within Learning Objects. This is particularly useful during revision, preventing learners from consciously or subconsciously following patterns to solve tasks, while also providing for an engaging and fresh learning experience every time.

Solution view

Avallain Author version 4.4 now gives the option to let end users toggle between book pages and corresponding solutions pages. This is particularly useful when used within a classroom environment. In conjunction with smartboards or individual digital workstations, it improves classroom management, allowing teachers to give immediate feedback to learner input by quickly switching between task and solutions pages.

Solution hotspot

When revising individually, learners do not need the solutions to an entire book page all at once – sometimes, all they need to succeed is a nudge in the right direction. Thus, we have also implemented a new type of hotspot which can be used in digital books to reveal solutions gradually. This gives learners the option to gain just enough information to be able to prevent stagnation and finish the rest of the Learning Activity by themselves.

Our customers now have the ability to store custom copyright information against assets in the media library. End users can then be given the option of displaying this information by clicking a button, enabling content creators to use legally acquired media from a variety of sources without fear of copyright issues. This allows them to significantly increase the variety of media within their media libraries without incurring the additional costs of producing media content themselves. Also, since this functionality is integrated seamlessly into Learning Activities, it does not interfere with the actual learning experience in any way.

And that’s not all

We will continue to listen, and to add new functionality to Avallain Author according to the wishes of our customers – in fact, the next update is less than 12 weeks away. Until then, we are eager to see how our customers will implement the new features introduced in Avallain Author version 4.4 to make their users’ learning experience as exciting and effective as it should be.

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