Release 29

Author Release 29

7 min read


Author release 29

Improved to explore beyond

A brand-new visual experience and plenty of new features to create new kinds of interactive content, to display LO scores more precisely, and to manage multimedia resources more intuitively.

Backend Enhancements

Brand-new user interface design

An even clearer and more intuitive user interface that retains all previous functionalities. This makes your authoring experience easier, more efficient and enjoyable without requiring you to rethink the way you use Avallain Author.

1: The main menu has been redesigned and optimised to perform global actions like switching between projects, and managing profile access and sessions, seamlessly and intuitively

2: The Project toolbar has been separated from the header with all project editing functions, including the role switch, made available under the project name

New Media Library design

Avallain Author Release 29 provides you with an all-new design for the popular Media Library, creating an even more fluent user experience. The design will be further enhanced in upcoming releases.

Watch the video tutorial and get familiar with the New Media library:

Optimised Product Builder

The Product Builder has been updated and enhanced to provide more stability and even better performance when handling complex builds and content packages. In addition, we have added new Build Platforms for iOS and Android to ensure full compatibility with mobile environments.

Projects and assets management

Optimised Learning Object (LO) Import

When moving content between different Author installations (e.g. when exporting from stage to production), you are now provided with a report before importing the LO detailing differences between the target project and LO configuration.

Furthermore, LO Import now works around missing options and replaces indispensable missing properties such as Layouts and Design Packs with the closest available alternatives so that a fluent importing process can be ensured.

Enhanced Header Media

Avallain Author has always supported Header Audios. Now it adds Header Videos to the mix! The Option label, Header Audio, no longer say it all, and so has been renamed Header Media.

Header Media can be configured to display either an audio or a video in the header of an LO. It will play smoothly and without interruption when switching between Activities in the LO, offering new ways to create exciting lessons that keep your learners engaged.

HLS video support

Avallain Author now fully supports HLS video. This means the video player automatically (or manually) adapts to unreliable network conditions without causing user-visible playback stalling. This makes your content even more accessible on different devices and in challenging environments.

Please note: This new feature requires Design Pack support and changes to the video conversion setting in Author. Please get in touch with your contact at Avallain.

Improved design pack support

Learning Objects design customisation: The latest release extends Avallain Author design packs’ ability to customise the look and feel of your LOs with additional options such as templating support for end-result syntax, buttons markup and placement, and item state decorations. 

Multi-language support for Design Packs: With Avallain Author Release 29, users can now display interface elements in multiple languages, set a default language, and enable a specific language to be selected on launch of the Learning Object.

New authoring options and Syntax

New Reveal Object functionality

You can now link the appearance of the Forward (Next) button with Reveal Object. On a Present page using Reveal Object, set Show Forward to After one answer or After all answers, and the Forward button will not enable until one or all the objects have been revealed.

Infotext: New dialog display

Release 29 provides the Global Option Show Info Text with a new value: Dialog. This enables you to show infotext content as a dialog instead of as a tooltip. Please note that this may require work on your Design Pack. Please get in touch with your contact at Avallain to learn more.

New option: End Results Button

With Release 29, you can control on which screens the End Results button displays. The Global Option, End Results Button, has two values: Every Screen and Last screen. Configure this depending on whether you want your students to review every screen before skipping back to the End Results screen, or to be able to do that whenever they like.

New End Results screen syntax

Applying metadata to categorise the activities in your LO, and combining this with new End Results screen syntax, you can display sum total scores for those categories on the End Result screen.

And that’s not all. With the use of other new syntax, you can display a visual representation of the scores. Design packs can customise the display to show different visual representations (i.e. pie charts, bars, etc).

New Activity Types

Voice Recognition Matching (Input:Match:Voice)

Authors can now create Activities that make full use of cutting-edge voice recognition technology. They can require learners to record their voice and the recording is then automatically evaluated by artificial intelligence (AI) that provides them with instant visual feedback (correct text turns green, incorrect text turns red) about their pronunciation and reading.  Language learning has never been more interactive and intuitive!

Please note: Using this new Activity Type may be subject to additional fees for speech processing. Please get in touch with your contact at Avallain for more information.

Identify:Select:Radiobutton Voice

With this new Activity Type, you can create Radiobutton Activities in which the selection is made orally. The learners record their selection and groundbreaking voice recognition technology transcribes the recorded audio and gives instant feedback whether their recording matches with the right answer.

Please note: Using this new Activity Type may be subject to additional fees for speech processing. Please get in touch with your contact at Avallain for more information.

Watch the webinar recording

Learn more about this release’s new features by watching the recording of the webinar held by our in-house experts.

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