Customer Story

Westermann (Thinking and Numeracy)

A state-of-the-art learning platform based on Avallain Unity architecture, offering fully interactive textbooks with unique and differentiated learning paths as well as digital resources created with Avallain Author.

About the client

The Westermann Group is one of the major German providers of educational media. With its three business areas, publishers, printers and services, it stands for overall journalistic solutions for education and knowledge.

Project highlights

The goal

To enhance University of Dayton Publishing English language courses with a learning management system suited to the realities of Latin American schools, available both online and offline, and offering a wide range of interactive resources.

Thousands of subscribed students and teachers

Almost 20 thousand digital activities created in Avallain Author


Initial situation

Thinking and Numeracy (Denken und Rechnen) was published as a substantial print course complemented by CD-ROMs, with a vibrant, ongoing programme of revision and renewal.

The course was very highly regarded and successful, but changes in learner behaviour and the German education system required an additional, flexible and more responsive digital solution, that included interactive learning, instantaneous feedback, and progress reporting.


Customer requirements

Westermann wished to enhance Thinking and Numeracy by publishing a range of enhanced, online interactive textbooks containing the full content of the print editions, as well as activities, tips, additional resources and instant feedback.

Westermann also wanted to provide students and teachers information about progress and developing skills. To facilitate learning both within and away from the classroom, Thinking and Numeracy needed to be accessible from tablets as well as PCs.



We had to ensure that the interactive textbooks met or surpassed the very high editorial and production standards of the print edition, and working with Westermann, we had to introduce a digital authoring process that was sufficiently responsive to allow the synchronous publication and revision of print and interactive editions.

The user experience would need to be carefully designed to reflect the close relationship between print and online editions while optimising the additional learner freedoms and engagement offered by a digital platform. Last but not least, we needed to deliver the entire platform with its supporting content on a tight schedule, in order to hit existing publishing and marketing deadlines.



We got to work early on a rapid rollout of Avallain Author, which would be used to streamline all digital content creation. While the platform was customised in line with the specific look and feel of Thinking and Numeracy, Westermann’s editorial and production departments were trained and then supported through the online authoring process.

Requirements for the learning platform were gathered and refined in close consultation with Westermann stakeholders, then quickly delivered using the ecosystem of Avallain Unity technology. The flexibility of Avallain Unity architecture allowed for seamless delivery to PCs and tablets.



Thinking and Numeracy Interactive (Denken und Rechnen Interaktiv) was published with content, structure and design that harmonised with the print edition entirely.

All levels of the course are now supported by online resources available in class, at home and on the move, and these have been extremely well received by the loyal user base of students, teachers and institutions.

Words from our clients


"Denken und Rechnen responds directly to the challenges and opportunities faced by today’s teachers. Through the flexibility of the environment, we hope to have created an experience that enriches and supports teaching, and that enhances learning through a more diverse and sophisticated classroom."

Dr. Isabel Schneider
Group Leader Elementary School
Foreign Languages, Digital Media
Westermann Group

Products and services used

Avallain Author®

The world's most flexible and powerful authoring solution with state-of-the-art, AI-enabled features for interactive educational content, developed in partnership with leading publishers.

Avallain Unity® architecture

Meet the specific needs of your e-learning project with the Avallain Unity architecture and our custom platform development services.

Featured in Buchreport

"Mit Denken und Rechnen Interaktiv bietet das Unternehmen nach eigenen Angaben das erste und vollständig interaktiv umgesetzte Mathematiklehrwerk für die Grundschule an."

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